End of Life Care
Linux4Jamaica recognizes that all computers will one day be broken beyond repair. While we promote repair to extend the life of laptops, we also understand the importance of safe disposal practices. Electronics contain a wide variety of hazardous substances – even small amounts of these toxics can be dangerous if released into the air, water and soil. Proper disposal of electronics protects our health and environment by keeping these substances out of our landfills and incinerators. Improper disposal of e-waste poses a significant threat to the environment and human health, which is why it’s essential to dispose of electronic materials at a specialty waste center. We have a responsibility to preserve the natural beauty of Jamaica by promoting safe disposal practices.
Health hazards of materials found in personal computers. (Image credit: Electronic Waste Jamaica)
A computer salvager at Agbogbloshie in Accra, Ghana, where improper disposal of computers components happens with catastrophic environmental consequences. July 2009. (Image credit: Peter Nicholls)
Consider Repair
First, consider taking your unusable laptop to a local computer repair center. A professional will be able to identify what can be repaired, which parts are valuable to resell, and what should be disposed of. Electronics contain valuable materials – including copper, gold and aluminum – that can be recycled and used in new products. Recycling these materials prevents the need to extract virgin materials, conserving natural resources.
A high school student repairs a Chromebook cart as a part of her technical internship. (Image credit: The Oakland Side)
Someone who has technical expertise can identify which parts of a broken computer can be sold for profit. (Image credit: iStock)
E-Waste Recycling
In Jamaica, laptops can be safely disposed of at any of the four National Solid Waste Management Authority (NSWMA) regional offices or its head office located in St Andrew.
- NSWMA Head Office, 61 Half-Way Tree Road, Kingston 10
- Metropolitan Parks & Markets (MPM) Waste Management Limited at 67a Hagley Road in St Andrew.
- Western Parks and Markets (WPM) Waste Management Limited at LOJ Commercial Centre, Unit 1A, Montego Bay
- Southern Parks and Markets (SPM) Waste Management Limited at Mandeville Plaza, Unit 4A, Manchester
- North Eastern Parks and Markets (NEPM) Waste Management Limited at 2 Stormont Road, New Buckfield, Ocho Rios, St. Ann
Electronics recycling truck from the NSWMA. (Image credit: Charnele Henry for Jamaica Information Service)
- Bride, Ashley. (2021, July 26). Oakland high schoolers repaired more than 3,000 Chromebooks this summer. The Oaklandside. https://oaklandside.org/2021/07/26/oakland-high-schoolers-repaired-more-than-3000-chromebooks-this-summer/
- E-waste can now be dropped off at any NSWMA facility. (2022, August 10) The Gleaner. https://jamaica-gleaner.com/article/news/20220810/e-waste-can-now-be-dropped-any-nswma-facility
- E-Waste Can Now Be Dropped Off at Any NSWMA Facility. (2022, August 10) Jamaica Information Service. https://jis.gov.jm/e-waste-can-now-be-dropped-off-at-any-nswma-facility/
- E-Waste in Jamaica. (2015, April) Electronic Waste Jamaica. http://electronicwastejacomp1220uwi.weebly.com/electronic-waste-in-jamaica.html
- Harmful Effects Caused By Improper Electronic Waste Recycling. (2021, February 15) eCycle Florida. https://ecycleflorida.com/harmful-effects-caused-by-improper-electronic-waste-recycling/
- NSWMA to introduce E-Waste disposal programme. (2021, September 13) Jamaica Observer. https://www.jamaicaobserver.com/latest-news/nswma-to-introduce-e-waste-disposal-programme/